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Sunglasses For Kids

Girl Young Sunglasses in OlatheChildren may not be as interested as adults are in wearing sunglasses as a fashion accessory. But because kids spend so much time outdoors in direct sunlight, they need sun protection even more than adults. In fact, some experts say we get up to 80% of our lifetime exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation by the time we’re 18 years old.

Most parents understand that too much exposure to the sun can be damaging to a child’s skin, causing sunburns and having long-term negative effects as well. In a recent survey, 82% of all parents make sure their children are wearing sunblock when spending time outside. But that same survey also showed that only 32% of all parents made sure that their children are wearing sunglasses outside.

Sunglasses can help protect anyone’s eyes from harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays. Children are also much more susceptible to damage from UV rays than adults. This is due to the fact that the lens in a child’s eye is not able to filter our high energy rays very well.

Yearly Eye Exams for Your Children

Over time, too much exposure for a child to UV Rays can lead to premature cataracts and may contribute to macular degeneration as well.

It is important to make sure your child wears sunglasses with proper UV protection, blocking 100% of UV Rays. The sunglasses should also be sturdy enough so that they won’t break easily, and they should fit properly on the child.

It’s best to buy sunglasses for your children from your optometrist’s office, where a professional can make sure you and your children are properly protected.